SDKs and Code Examples
JavaScript and TypeScript (Node.js)

JavaScript and TypeScript (Node.js) WebCrawler API SDK


npm i webcrawlerapi-js


Synchronous Crawling

The synchronous method waits for the crawl to complete and returns all data at once.

import webcrawlerapi from "webcrawlerapi-js";
const client = new webcrawlerapi.WebcrawlerClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
// Synchronous crawling
const result = await client.crawl({
    "url": "",
    "scrape_type": "markdown",
    "items_limit": 10

Asynchronous Crawling

The asynchronous method returns a job ID immediately and allows you to check the status later.

import webcrawlerapi from "webcrawlerapi-js";
const client = new webcrawlerapi.WebcrawlerClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
// Start the async crawl job
const job = await client.crawlAsync({
    "url": "",
    "scrape_type": "markdown",
    "items_limit": 10
// Get the job ID
const jobId =;
// Check job status
let jobStatus = await client.getJob(jobId);
// You can poll the job status until it's complete
while (jobStatus.status === 'in_progress') {
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, jobStatus.recommended_pull_delay_ms));
    jobStatus = await client.getJob(jobId);
console.log('Final result:', jobStatus);

Both methods support the following options:

  • url: The target URL to crawl
  • scrape_type: Type of content to extract ('markdown', 'html', etc.)
  • items_limit: Maximum number of pages to crawl
  • allow_subdomains: Whether to crawl subdomains (default: false)
  • whitelist_regexp: Regular expression for allowed URLs
  • blacklist_regexp: Regular expression for blocked URLs
  • webhook_url: URL to receive notifications when the job completes