Job Get

GET /job/:id

Basic API endpoint to start crawling a website.

Method: GET


Available request params

  • id - (required) the unique identifier of the job.



Job contains:

  • id - the unique identifier of the job.

  • org_id - your organization identifier.

  • url - the seed URL where the crawler started.

  • status - the status of the job. Can be new, in_progress, done, error.

  • scrape_type - the type of scraping you want to perform (html, cleaned or markdown).

  • whitelist_regexp - a regular expression to whitelist URLs.

  • blacklist_regexp - a regular expression to blacklist URLs.

  • allow_subdomains - if the crawler will also crawl subdomains.

  • items_limit - the limit of pages for this job.

  • created_at - the date when the job was created.

  • finished_at - the date when the job was finished.

  • webhook_url - the URL where the server will send a POST request once the task is completed.

  • webhook_status - the status of the webhook request.

  • webhook_error - the error message if the webhook request failed.

  • job_items - an array of items that were extracted from the pages.

    Job Item:

    • id - the unique identifier of the item.
    • status - the status of the item. Can be new, in_progress, done, error.
    • job_id - the job identifier.
    • original_url - the URL of the page.
    • page_status_code - the status code of the page request.
    • raw_content_url - the URL to the raw content of the page.
    • cleaned_content_url - the URL to the cleaned content of the page (if scrape_type is cleaned. Check Crawling Types (opens in a new tab)).
    • markdown_content_url - the URL to the markdown content of the page (if scrape_type is markdown. Check Crawling Types (opens in a new tab)).
    • title - the title of the page (<title> tag content).
    • created_at - the date when the item was created.
    • cost - the cost of the item in $.
    • referred_url - the URL where the page was referred from.
    • last_error - the last error message if the item failed.


	"id": "abb39f29-087e-4714-aa05-15537be12f90",
	"org_id": "cm48ww9kw00019rv7bsyfko1d",
	"url": "",
	"scrape_type": "markdown",
	"whitelist_regexp": ".*category.*",
	"blacklist_regexp": "",
	"allow_subdomains": false,
	"items_limit": 10,
	"created_at": "2024-12-15T10:26:13.893Z",
	"finished_at": "2024-12-15T10:26:37.118Z",
	"updated_at": "2024-12-15T10:26:37.118Z",
	"webhook_url": "",
	"status": "done",
	"job_items": [
			"id": "a46f3117-f97a-4ca2-a434-6cfdcd022b72",
			"job_id": "abb39f29-087e-4714-aa05-15537be12f90",
			"original_url": "",
			"page_status_code": 200,
			"markdown_content_url": "",
			"status": "done",
			"title": "All products | Books to Scrape - Sandbox",
			"last_error": "",
			"created_at": "2024-12-15T10:26:17.941Z",
			"updated_at": "2024-12-15T10:26:23.915Z",
			"cost": 2000,
			"referred_url": ""

Refer to Job overview for more information about the response fields.

Crawling request is done in asynchronous way. It means that you will receive a response with a task id. You can use this task id to check the status of the scraping task (Read more about Async Requests)