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Website crawler (Webcrawler)


The Webcrawler explores web pages by following links, extracting clean text for applications like AI model training, content aggregation, and market research.

$2.00 / 1,000 requests

Website crawler (Webcrawler) PHP integration

To try it without code integration go to Dashboard.

Check out Docs to learn more about Webcrawler API.

Install dependency

composer require webcrawlerapi/sdk


  • PHP 8.0 or higher
  • Composer
  • ext-json PHP extension
  • Guzzle HTTP Client 7.0 or higher

How to get an access key?

Read Docs Access Key section to obtain a key.


In sync way, waiting for all items to complete:

use WebCrawlerAPI\WebCrawlerAPI;

$crawler = new WebCrawlerAPI('YOUR API ACCESS KEY HERE');

// Synchronous crawling (blocks until completion)
$job = $crawler->crawl(
    url: 'https://books.toscrape.com/',
    scrapeType: 'markdown',
    itemsLimit: 3

// Access job items and their content
foreach ($job->jobItems as $item) {
    echo "Original URL: {$item->originalUrl}\n";
    echo "Content URL: {$item->markdownContentUrl}\n";

Read Docs Job section to learn more about job.

Async way:

use WebCrawlerAPI\WebCrawlerAPI;

$crawler = new WebCrawlerAPI('YOUR API ACCESS KEY HERE');

// Start async crawling
$response = $crawler->crawlAsync(
    url: 'https://books.toscrape.com/',
    scrapeType: 'markdown',
    itemsLimit: 20

$jobId = $response->id;
echo "Job id: {$jobId}\n";
echo "Job Dashboard link: https://dash.webcrawlerapi.com/jobs/job/{$jobId}\n";

// Poll for completion
for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
    $job = $crawler->getJob($jobId);
    $doneItemsCount = count(array_filter($job->jobItems, fn($item) => $item->status === 'done'));
    $limitItemsCount = $job->itemsLimit;
    if ($doneItemsCount === $limitItemsCount) {
        echo "All items are done\n";
        foreach ($job->jobItems as $item) {
            echo "{$item->originalUrl}\n";
            echo "\t{$item->markdownContentUrl}\n";
    echo "Crawled {$doneItemsCount} out of {$limitItemsCount} items\n";